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Best Buy Will Protect Your New iPhone 3G S

June 12, 2009

AT&T won't offer you any extra protection for your new iPhone, but Best Buy will. According to AppleInsider, big-box retailer Best Buy will be flinging open its doors at 10 A.M. as usual on iPhone 3G S launch day, but unlike AT&T and Apple, they will be offering added insurance for your highly expensive new device via Geek Squad's Black Tie Protection. The Black Tie Protection will cover all kinds of damage, including liquid damage, cracked screens, cracked casing, and basically anything else you can put your iPhone through.  With Best Buy's added protection, you will be able to walk right into the store and have your iPhone fixed or replaced on the spot. So what's the catch?  Well, it costs a lot.  Normally Best Buy charges somewhere between $7-$10 per month for mobile phone insurance, but Best Buy's iPhone insurance plan will cost a whopping $15 per month.  For those of you who are not particularly talented in the math department, that's $180 per year just for insurance.  Apparently the extra high cost for insurance is because the iPhone 3G and 3G S retail for such a high price. Will you be ditching AT&T and going to Best Buy instead to purchase your iPhone 3G S just so you can get the added insurance?  You can't put a price on peace of mind, can you?

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