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Jailbreakers/Unlockers Beware, 3.1 Beta Breaks Ultrasn0w

by Ian
July 1, 2009


The new version of the iPhone OS, including the beta released today by Apple, upgrades the iPhone's baseband. As such, iPhone 3.1 may make it much harder to unlock your iPhone later. The iPhone Dev Team points out "baseband updates are irreversible and you’ll lose ultrasn0w."
The 3.0 jailbreak was one of those (rare) times where both the jailbreak and the unlock coincided (the only other time was 2.2). It’s important that people realize that *most* firmware releases aren’t like that, and you need to take steps (via the tools) to separate the firmware update from its included baseband update.
Of course, users shouldn't have to worry about this just yet as OS 3.1 is just available to developers at this time. However, should OS 3.1 drop publicly and you need to jailbreak or unlock, you absolutely should wait until the dev team gives the OK.

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