Yes, it's true. Go ahead, give the headline another look - no one would blame you for not believing it.
The MLB At Bat 2009 app already set the standard for professional sports apps with its impressive feature set - pitch by pitch updates, live audio streaming from the announcers for either team over 3G or even EDGE and videos of important plays sent out soon after they happen.
Well, Business Insider got the scoop on the 3.0 update for the app which is slated to hit today. Beginning with tomorrow's Chicago Cubs-White Sox and Detroit Tigers-St. Lous Cardinals games, MLB At Bat will start delivering live video straight to your iPhone.
According to Business Insider, MLB will only deliver two out-of-market games a day to start with. Eventually, however, MLB will offer all games that are available to the the MLB.TV service, which leaves out nationally televised and local games.
AT&T has thus far been pretty negative about allowing video streaming over their wireless network - just look at what happened to Sling Player for iPhone. So it's quite a surprise AT&T will allow three hour long baseball games to be streamed over 3G.
I've contacted MLB to double-check this all myself but have yet to hear back. Among my chief questions is whether the MLB At Bat 2009 update will include push notifications for score changes.