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Review: Jungle Bloxx

June 30, 2009



011 Jungle Bloxx is a physics puzzle game, making the player think which way blocks will fall in order to get the diamond safely. The monkeys are supposed to be the guardians of the diamonds, and seek your help in attaining them to unlock forbidden cities. The game is for anyone who enjoys puzzles and simple click games. It's fun for all ages and all genders. To destroy the blocks all you have to do is simply click on the one you wish to destroy, but be careful some may tip. The blocks change in each level making the following levels increasingly more difficult. In the fire level, a rock can destroy those adjacent to it. 020 In the rock level, the rock divides, and in the ice level if you hit a rock they crack and are destroyed. Between each level you must attain the map of the city by sorting through a puzzle and gathering three or more of the same stones at one time. The game has some 90 levels, across 10 cities.


Game Play: 019 This game is simple in the fact that you only have to touch the rocks to destroy them, the difficulty is figuring out where the diamond will fall. The physics of the game will keep you retrying the game ensuring you can get the diamond to land safely. That's the beauty of this game if you stuff up, you can restart the level. 014 Medals: At each stage they give you an estimate of how many rocks you will have to destroy in order to have the diamond land safely. For example a gold will be 5X, silver 6X or bronze 7X, there is also 'no medal'. You can complete the puzzle in less than the gold estimate also. But, really the medals don't mean anything in going to the next level, it's simply to show how many rocks it should take to get the diamond. Rock Features: The rock features provide a variation in the game, by having rocks with different features you can never guess which way the diamond might fall. It creates for a more interesting game. 004 Match-Three Mini Games: These are a little easy, but provides something different between each city. It allows you to unlock the city and attain the map needed.


Jungle Bloxx is a great puzzle game and the variations in the blocks provides something new every level.


012 There are lots of variations of rocks and levels. The fact that you can replay every stage in order to get a small number of takes, or if you simply stuff up is a great feature. If you're struggling with a level, a young girl in the top left will say "well done" or "great" if your headed in the right direction - so inspiring. Also, the loading time is really quick if you wish to retry the level. Bad: It's a jungle theme, so it matches whats going on, but nothing to be excited about. The mini-games are too easy, match-three games have been around a long time and they can be fun, but these are just way too simple. 029


A great puzzle game that has plenty of levels and variety, maybe not worth the full $2.99, but a great game if you love puzzles.

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