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Consumer Reports Rate iPhone Best Among Smartphones

by Ian
July 2, 2009


Some people won't buy electronics unless Consumer Reports checks it out first. If you're one of those people it's time to buy an iPhone 3GS. The newest iPhone receives high marks from Consumer Reports and beats out the Palm Pre, but not by much. According to the Consumer Reports blog, voice quality was the only category the iPhone didn't finish extremely high, "an area in which few phones score well." The iPhone 3GS was beaten when it comes to messaging, but its multimedia, navigation, Web browsing and battery life bested the Pre and various BlackBerry models. Though the Pre is better at multitasking. Consumer Reports also changed their ratings system to better reflect the importance of certain features. For example, they've reduced the importance of talk time when it comes to battery life and voice quality because of "the growing importance of non-voice use of smart phones." You can check out Consumer Reports' head-to-head comparison in this video:

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