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Why Jailbreak: WebSearch

July 24, 2009


The iPhone is all about speed--faster ways to listen to music, faster ways to check your e-mail, and even faster ways to surf the internet. Last year, Apple made the iPhone even faster by adding support for the faster 3G network. And, now they have made the iPhone even faster with the iPhone 3GS. But there is one thing that has always been tedious on the iPhone... img_0017 One of the main things many fing themselves doing on the iPhone is searching. Searching for restaurants, movie casts, regulation tetherball pole lengths... They search for anything and everything when conversation with friends and family hits a wall when more information is needed. But searching on the iPhone isn't as fast as it could be. First you have to load Google or Wikipedia's home page. Then you have to type in your search and wait for the results page to load. Then you have to find your query and wait for the final page to load. Even with 3G speed, this process can take awhile, and sometimes the conversation where the search is needed moves on without you. This is where WebSearch comes in. img_0035 WebSearch is an application for jailbroken iPhones that makes searching the web for information incredibly more simple. WebSearch has a list of popular searching websites, and, when you get the need to search for something, simply launch WebSearch, click on the site you want to search, type in your query, hit 'go', and then you are given the information you need, in a fraction of the time you spent before WebSearch. Here's an example where I searched Wikipedia for one of the funniest television shows ever, Fawlty Towers: img_0031 img_0033 Also, WebSearch has a very nice 'Apple-y' interface where one can rearrange his list of searchable sites depending on what they prefer: img_0034 But that's not all. WebSearch also allows for you to add any page from the internet which contains a search box to your list of sites within WebSearch. Here, for instance, I have added App Advice to my list of searchable sites, and even tested it out by searching for the application Boulder Dash. img_0024 img_0027 As you can see, WebSearch (and, therefore, jailbreaking) makes searching on the iPhone much more simple and quick. This app is truly remarkable when you think about how many times you find yourself Googling or searching Wikipedia (Wiki-ing?...) for information. WebSearch and jailbreaking have fixed yet another hurdle (the difficulty and sluggishness of web searching) to further improve the world's best cell phone: the iPhone.

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