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Gameloft Reveals NFL 2010, First Full Football Simulation Game For iPhone

August 3, 2009


We have some great news for all of you football fans... sorry, I meant American football fans out there.  Gameloft has just informed us that their full-fledged football simulation game, NFL 2010, should be available by the end of the month.  That's not all, we also have a bunch of screenshots for you to gawk at.

Details are scant, but what we can tell you is that Gameloft's NFL 2010 will feature all NFL teams and players.  Gameloft has stated that they will be releasing more details as they become available.  The price of NFL 2010 is still to be determined, but they have given a tentative release window of "end of the month."

Hopefully these screenshots will hold you over until we learn more.



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