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Gamer's Corner: Tower Defense... Enough Already?

August 12, 2009


How many Tower Defense games have you played on the iPhone? How many do you currently own right now? More importantly, how many do you really need? Tower Defense games are easily one of the most popular titles in the App Store. There are numerous different versions of these games, but in the end, they all basically do the same thing. starcraft Let me start out by saying that I am a fan of these games. I first became hooked on them when I played StarCraft 64 for the Nintendo 64. Granted that game was a little different from the Tower Defense games on the iPhone, mostly because you could actually go after the enemy instead of just waiting for them, but the for the most part it's the same. Ever since that game, which is one of my favorites to date, I've always liked these types of games. However, my main issue here is, well...enough already. I mean how many of these games do we need? Granted if something sells, companies/developers want to put the product out there in a variety of ways so the consumer has plenty of choices, etc. I get that. But when it comes to the iPhone and it's abilities, which are limited, there isn't much difference between most of these Tower Defense games. Yet, everyone gets all hyped up and excited whenever any one of these new versions of this game or that is released. star Remember when Star Defense was on everyone's list as the "new" and great defense game? Where is it now? Yeah, it was okay, but in the end it was just a 3D version of every other Tower Defense game I've played on the iPhone. It's not even in the Top 25 anymore. Other than some minor differences, like with the cuteness of The Creeps! or the RPG element in something like Defender Chronicles, what do you do in these games? Build up defenses, wait for the enemy, survive the wave, buy better and stronger defenses, and then survive the newer and stronger waves. Rinse, then repeat. Here's what I'm saying. Unless there is something new out there, and I'm talking something drastically different and not just a 3D element or whatever, why make another version of these things? Yeah, okay...for the money because they sell, but some of the developers of these games have great resources to make any game they want. Why not make something that is a little different? There's so much untapped potential on the iPhone and so many play it safe by rehashing the same games for us. I ask, where is the fun in that? Maybe it's just me, but I'm a little bored with playing the same Tower Defense games where the only thing different in each one is the look and controls. So let's hear it from you guys. What do yo think? Agree or disagree? (and I encourage you to disagree) How many Tower Defense games have you played? Is there one that I missed that might not fit the "same" bill as the rest? Maybe you crave anything and everything related to Tower Defense? Maybe not? Either way, let's hear what you have to say.

App Pick of the Week

So this week I finally got around to trying the "Unofficial" Spiderman app called Rope'n' Fly. It really is a very dumbed down version of web-slinging for sure. But you know what? That doesn't mean it isn't incredibly fun and addictive, which it most certainly is. rope-fly2 So instead of webs it's ropes, but let's face're Spiderman swinging through New York City. You basically just have to swing from one building to the next without hitting the ground. Sounds easier than it is, trust me. There is a paid version and a Free one as well so I recommend trying the Free version first. My review for the game can also be found here. Have fun and see you next week...

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