August 11, 2009

It was only yesterday that we came to you with news that
iTunes 9 may include the ability to visually organize and arrange apps along with some sort of social networking integration. Today,
Boy Genius Report has provided additional information that was obtained from their "pretty reliable source" detailing some of those rumored iTunes 9 features.
According to their source, Apple plans to tie iTunes 9 into a completely separate social application that they plan to release sometime in the future. This separate application will apparently be similar to Yahoo's OneConnect, merging multiple social networking services into a single interface. The application will allow you to broadcast the music you are currently listening to, share it with others on your network, connect with your friend's friends, and send status updates to all of your services at once. It wasn't made clear if this application would be a mobile or a desktop application.
They also revealed more information regarding app organization. iTunes 9 will reportedly be able to sort apps alphabetically, by genre, by date added, and will also allow you to to create custom arrangements.
What do you think? Are all of these rumored iTunes 9 features believable? Or is the idea of a separate social networking application going a bit too far?
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