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Our Parachute Panic Download Code Winners Are...

August 8, 2009

Another successful giveaway has officially completed, and we would like to thank everyone who participated. We thoroughly enjoy rewarding our loyal readers with download codes to some of the best apps available in the App Store. Here are our four Parachute Panic giveaway winners:
  • Bryan
  • Chris Kortz
  • $tone
  • Pete
Congratulations to all of you! If you see your name on the list and haven’t received an email yet, check your junkmail.  Also, some of you may have or use the same names in the comments section, so if you see your name on the list and didn't receive an email, it's probably not you. Thanks again to everyone who participated in the giveaway!  As always, keep an eye on the site because you never know when the next giveaway will arrive. We would also like to thank FDG Entertainment once again for their generosity.

Mentioned apps

Parachute Panic HD
FDG Entertainment

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