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Put On Your Thinking... Apps!!

August 18, 2009


Alright folks, time for a little bit of trivia.

Question 1: Ever since the dawn of time, what has been the ultimate search for man? (This is of course an educated guess, as I would have a hard time knowing for sure…) We have searched for ways to use our uniquely human attribute of abstract thought to conquer over our environments; essentially to try out this new thing called ‘thinking.’ From the first cavemen absently contemplating their community wheel- to modern men absently contemplating their newest set of wheels…well, things haven’t changed much.

Question 2: Why the consistency? Why is becoming smarter so important? Why, to attract the opposite sex of course! Some might suggest that money is more important; but as always, the allure of the princess and the commoner (or whatever combination appeals to you) will draw people towards a love that transcends economic barriers. Some would suggest physical attraction is more important…but again the answer is no…( no explanation required here, and the author asks that you do not provide a contrary opinion on this point.) The fact of the matter is, the most important factor people are looking for is brains!

Question 3: And if that is true, then how are our phones (whose only point….really….is to connect people) helping us towards that end. How are they making us smarter? Or are they making us dumber?

Here is the evidence:

Brain Age- probably the most sophisticated intelligence app, but also the most expensive…and really how smart is it to pay more for something that you can get for less? B-

Brain tester-cheaper than most to be sure, and with some good exercises to make your reactions a little better…but not a whole lot of breadth to this one. C+

Creative whack pack-Serious followers of my column (both of you) will notice I’ve mentioned this one before…because it is just that good. I mean for real…you could go to school for years and not get this kind of advice…depending on the school…and your attention span. Frankly, the only reason I’m not giving it a perfect score is just because its so utilitarian…no hamster shooting to keep you entertained or anything. A-

Self help classics- This one has a lot going against it…foremost being its limited breadth of material. Not only is it confining itself to public domain books…but self-help public domain books. SO… if you can sift through some of the antiquated financial advice from the last century…there are bound to be some nuggets. B

Numbrix-made by the Savant herself, you just feel smarter doing it…actually I tend to feel dumber…but its still a lot of fun. B+

Wordjong- Definitly the best word app out there. Its got clever presentation, good graphics, and the piece de resitance…it updates every flipping day!! A-

Brain Tutor- it shows animated scans of the brain…on your iphone. Honestly people, jut learn some key phrases and then next time your around that someone you’d like to impress…whip that puppy out as if your studying the latest MRI…your golden. B+

Wikiamo –Guys, its Wikipedia…in your pocket! The worlds collective knowledge in your palm…if that doesn’t make you attractive to the opposite sex…then that would certainly explain a lot of my dating experiences. Sure Wikipedia gets a tough rap sometimes-but people read this stuff up all the time! Its like having your kids read the encyclopedias-but peer reviewed ones! And what parent hasn’t secretly wished that of their kids. A

Final Note: not only does the iPhone make you smarter, but it also makes you well-rounded. It improves right side intelligence with Brushes. Improves spatial reasoning with Monospace (heckafun game actually), improves precision hand movement with Doodlejump…Yeah, those arguments didn’t work on my proffesors either.

What about you guys? What apps have you found to pump up the ole’ gray matter?

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