Review: 18,000 Cool Jokes
by Adam Blair
August 21, 2009
Everybody loves a good laugh. If they didn't, comedy wouldn't have evolved for years into what it is today: a multi-billion dollar industry. Since it is such a large industry, doesn't it make sense that its reach would stretch to every corner of every market? Even, say, the iPhone? Well, it has! Comedy has come to the iPhone through several applications , and one worth mentioning is 18,000 Jokes.Features:
18,000 Jokes has all of the features that should be in a jokes application. Including neat categories, e-mailing jokes to a friend, and tagging your favorite jokes for fast viewing later on. The best feature is the Favorites option, it's hard to find the same joke twice considering there are 17,999 more to sort through. To me the real point of the application is to repeat the jokes later on, so the Favorites button is very useful. Another feature is Sharing. This works by pulling up the mail application already including the selected joke in the message.
The Good:
The only good parts of the application are the user interface. Although the features are nicely done, and make the application easy to use, the bottom line is that the jokes aren't very good. This brings me to The Bad.