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Review: DrawRace

August 2, 2009



drawrace-fingerA racing game with a completely different type of control scheme where you draw your car's race path as opposed to actually driving it. Sound a little odd? That's what I thought until I actually gave the game a chance and tried it out myself - and you know what? I became instantly hooked! This game is incredibly entertaining and addicting, which is a weird thing to say when you consider the fact that this is a racing game where you never technically race your car.


drawrace-racingThe game includes tons of features so try and keep up. First, and most important, is the app's control scheme. Instead of actually racing, you control the path and speed of the vehicle by moving your finger along the track. In other words, you trace the path you want your car to drive in. Move it faster and the car will go faster, move it slower and the car goes slower. The game features over twenty different tracks for you to race on. You can race in single player mode against the computer, race in networked multiplayer and race drivers all around the world, or race up to 3 players locally on one phone.

The Breakdown

The Good:

drawrace-racing-moreWhen I first heard about this game I was very skeptical to say the least. I mean a game where you just draw your car's path instead of driving it? Sounds lame, right? Oh, how wrong I was here. The game is a lot of fun...a lot. The gameplay is by far the strongest element in this game. It's just plain fun...nuff said. The graphics perfectly compliment the game and the style of the app as well. Music and sound effects are all done very well here too.

The Bad:

As much fun as this game can be, it can get a little frustrating at times. Getting the speed of the car down just right can be very tough at times. On a few tracks I had to replay them numerous times to get past them. Not the end of the world by any means, but it did get a little old after a while. (maybe I'm just terrible at the game)

The Verdict

I feel this is another one of those games where you are either going to love the concept of "draw racing" or hate it. If you love it, this game is absolutely worth the price of a buck. If not, well...not much else to say really. [gallery link="file" columns="4"]

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