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AppAdvice Poll: Which "Rock And Roll" Event Announcement Was Your Favorite?

September 10, 2009


Apple's "It's only rock and roll, but we like it" music event had quite a few twists and turns.  Many of the rumors actually turned out to be true, including iPhone OS 3.1, iTunes 9, and an iPod nano with built-in camera, but oddly enough, the one rumor which we thought was certain to be true, an iPod touch with built-in camera, was not. So AppAdvice readers, now that you have had time to let it all sink in, which announcment from yesterday's big event was your favorite?  Was it still the new iPod touch?  One of the many new iTunes 9 features?  Or just having Steve Jobs back on stage again?  Unlike our last poll, you only get one choice this time around, so make it count. If you somehow missed the event, you can watch a QuickTime stream of it at Apple's website. [polldaddy poll=1976342]

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