Love iPhone Apps? Love to Write? AppAdvice is Hiring!
by AJ Craig
September 29, 2009
At AppAdvice our mission is to help the world navigate the iPhone App Store. We want to make the process of finding the right iPhone application for your needs fast, simple and certain. Our goal is to take the guesswork out of finding that one game that never gets old or the full suite of applications to help you do your job as effectively as possible.
To accomplish this goal we are looking for several key writers as well as additional contributors who can write articulately, passionately and can provide reliably accurate opinions on iPhone applications and news related to the App Store as well as iPhone application development. We are also looking for an iPhone "how-to guru".
If you are passionate about iPhone applications and love to write and especially if you are the "go-to" person in your social network when it comes to the iPhone and the applications that run on it then we'd love to hear from you.
To write for you'll need to be capable of delivering consistently excellent work as well as understanding what it means when you have a deadline. Prior blogging experience is helpful but not absolutely mandatory although some writing skill and excellent knowledge of the iPhone and iPhone applications is essential for all positions.
AppAdvice has a variety of openings that have different skills and requirements for each on. so please take a look at the list below to see if any of the positions are a match for your skills and experience. We are looking for a combination of fully committed people as well as those that might like to make the occasional contribution. Compensation is dependent upon your experience and your level of commitment and we are willing to work with and nurture talent that lacks experience but has an abundance of iPhone knowledge and the desire to write great content.
The individual positions and the requirements for each job are listed below. If you want to become part of one of the fastest growing and most authoritative resources available for the iPhone enthusiast this is your chance!
Fast/Fun News Writer
Op-Ed Writer
iPhone "How-To Guru"
App-List Editor
New Application Watcher
iPhone Columnists
Application Review Specialists