Review: NewsAddict
by Staff Writer
September 4, 2009
The name says it all. This is like feeding crack to a baby, a crack baby that is (too far or not far enough?). This application gives you access to news from various sources to fulfill your addiction. You can know most things happening in the world around you simply by clicking the right link.Features
- The home screen boasts of forty one media sources to get you the most appropriate news faster. The set up that resembles a news stand is effective in its delivery.
- The website hosts search engines, newspapers, and even television channels with videos from their websites.
- You have the option of going back to stand simply by clicking the bottom right of your screen which pops up a menu that will direct you back.
- There is also a tilt read feature, which scrolls the text when you tilt the Iphone.
- The app also claims calibrate according to the way you are holding the Iphone, in order to optimize your reading potential.
The Breakdown
The Good
The app is very effective in doing what it claims to do. I have never felt so comfortable, knowing that I have all the news papers and news sources only a click away from me.
The app makes the individual apps for the newspaper pointless. Why download the NewYork Times app, even if it free, if you can get that and a lot more in one app. I have friends who follow news religiously, and to them this is a heaven send. This does what it claims, it feeds that addiction, the constant nag in the back of your brain telling you that you must know everything.
The Bad
The interface allows for too many media outlets that cannot be arranged according to the users preference. A newer better version might want to give the user the ability to organize which
The Ugly