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Review: The Alarm Clock

September 7, 2009



Alarm Clock gives you a sleek clock interface and a few necessary features to make your morning wake up experience a breeze. That is if you are not one of those people that get extremely angry at their alarm clocks, and abuse them freely. I don't know if the iphone would img_0349 take that lying down.


  • Alarm - You have the ability to chose from the given alarm sounds from the classic cuckoo to a rooster, or the best feature of all, your own personal song choice.
  • Snooze - For some of us waking up is the hardest thing to do, and so the app turns the whole screen into a snooze button. It also gives you the option to chose your daily snooze time. Forever and ever is not an option, bah.
  • Auto Snooze - The alarm simply does it for you, how great is that. Now I can be lazy enough not to even move when my alarm goes off, and yes I would like to be.
  • Set Alarm - You can also set up alarms for different days of the week according to your classes or whatever else may change your weekly schedule.

The Breakdown

The Good

The best thing about Alarm Clock is that it plays my favorite song to wake me up has a sleek surface and goes on snooze by simply touching the screen. It can sit by your night stand and work like a charm, something users of other applications seem to complain about.

img_0350The Bad

While the interface is sleek it could use an upgrade or a color changing option. There are too many Alarm clocks on iphone to settle for one that has a simple blue color and doesn't even dim when you are going to sleep. You didn't ask for a night light, now did you.

The Ugly

The screen should turn off if you want so you wouldn't have to have the power adapter in at all times. It would really become a hassle when you don't have an outlet on your camping trip and you can't use the features on Alarm Clock. It also would benefit from playing an entire playlist rather than just a song. I have friends who insist on listening to a whole CD before waking up. How come they weren't taken into account.

The Verdict

Though .99 does not seem like a huge price to pay for an app you have to consider that this is only one of many many apps of the kind. It gives you the choice of song to wake up to which many others don't, and if that is an important feature than you need to get this. However if you are looking for more bang for your buck maybe look somewhere else. For me the display needs an upgrade so I can turn it green for jealousy, the night I saw my ex in the arms of that bleeping foot ball player from our high school. If you see Sam Smith kick him in the nuts for me. [gallery]

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