TomTom definitely has the name and the technology, but Navigon is relying on frequent updates and features to grab your attention and hopefully bring you iPhone navigation app craving users over to their side.

Navigon first released their
MobileNavigator app for the iPhone in July, and at that time it still lacked quite a few features. As most iPhone and iPod touch developers due, they intended to offer all kinds of new features via updates and apparently they really, truly meant it.
The recent
MobileNavigator v1.2 update adds a handful of great features, but none is more important than text-to-speech. Text-to-speech allows you to finally take your eyes off of your device and keep them on the road by reading street names aloud as you drive. The other new features include automatic day and night display adjustment, integrated iPod control, and the ability to share your location via email.
As expected, Navigon raised the price of MobileNavigator North America recently, but not to the price they initially claimed. Instead of raising it to their intended $99.99 price point like TomTom's app, it is now a convenient $89.99. Don't forget, Navigon will also be offering their very own car kit sometime in the near future, but it may not live up to TomTom's standards. That's alright, however, because TomTom's car kit should work with all third-part apps, so you can have the best of both worlds.