One of the most beloved real-time strategy games for the iPhone and iPod touch has just been given the sequel treatment, and although it isn't called Galcon 2, it's still every bit a worthy successor.
Galcon Labs is the sequel to Galcon, the smash hit real-time strategy game for the iPhone and iPod touch. Galcon has been described in many ways, but the most fitting description is probably "real-time Risk in space." Galcon Labs builds on the original's gameplay by simply adding four new game modes that can be played both alone and online.
The four new game modes are: Billiards, Stealth, Crash, and Assassin. Billiards consists of moving planets. Stealth features enemy ships that become invisible. Crash will have ships battling it out in mid-flight, adding a whole new twist to the original gameplay. Finally, Assassin assigns each player with a target and the first player to destroy their target wins the round.
If you have played and enjoyed the original Galcon, purchasing Galcon Labs should be a no-brainer, and at the low introductory price of $.99, you couldn't ask for more. If you haven't ever given the series a try, there is no better time than the present, especially at this price.
Embedded below is a gameplay trailer for Galcon Labs.
[Thanks to everyone who sent this in! You are all obviously very excited about the sequel.]