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AT&T Warming Up to Skype and Google Voice?

October 6, 2009


Despite the drama between AT&T and Google over its Voice app, some hopefuls are looking forward to the CTIA Wireless IT & E conference for a change in policy. Apple and AT&T have both denied denying Google's Voice App, but Google claims that Phil Schiller, Apple's senior vice president for worldwide marketing, told Google it would be rejecting the Voice app in July. Skype is - of course - restricted to WiFi use, and Vonage released its app in the App Store yesterday proving itself to be a huge disappointment and not much of a VoIP app at all. The Washington Post reports that a confidential "source close to the thinking of AT&T executives" says that the company is close to accepting VoIP service on the iPhone. Interestingly, the  conference's keynote speakers are AT&T Mobility CEO Ralph De La Vega and the FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski. AT&T wouldn't confirm or deny the rumors, but if the phone giant really is starting to ease up on its strict no-Internet-calling policy, Apple will be rid of one major incentive iPhone users have to jailbreak their devices.

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