Instructions For Enabling Native Tethering On 3.1.2 For Jailbroken iPhones
by Nic Elder
October 23, 2009
CAUTION: Proceed at your own risk. I have tested and verified these instructions, however if they are not followed correctly, or you are not on 3.1.2 you will likely end up needing to restore the phone in itunes. These instructions patch a core file used by the phone, so following them closely and not missing anything is required if you don't want to restore. As always, back up your phone in iTunes prior to trying these.
Ok, this is not for the faint of heart, however these instructions will enable Tethering on the 3G or 3GS phone running OS 3.1.2.
Jailbroken iPhone 3G or 3GS
Install "Link Identity Editor" from Cydia
Install "OpenSSH" from Cydia
Knowledge about how to SSH into your phone from windows or mac
For windows we suggest PuttySSH for mac you can just use terminal
Ok, now to the hard parts.
Log into your phone via SSH
username root
password alpine
Follow ONE of the two sections below (NOT BOTH)
copy and paste the following commands into the ssh session
The last line in the console should say the following
SHA1(./CommCenter)= 1b19712035f33654cf72838ebe1a2033931b56b2If the SHA1 hash doesn't match the one above, then you have not correctly done the steps above. You may need to restore in itunes if your phone stops working after a restart If the SHA1 is correct, then restart your phone and continue on to "Installing Tethering Profile" below. FOR 3G ONLY copy and paste the following commands into the ssh session The last line in the console should say the following
SHA1(./CommCenter)= 063165c3fa3e21d30eb4b486fab924ba3ef0ea5eIf the SHA1 hash doesn't match the one above, then you have not correctly done the steps above. You may need to restore in itunes if your phone stops working after a restart If the SHA1 is correct, then restart your phone and continue on to "Installing Tethering Profile" below. INSTALLING TETHERING PROFILE After restarting your phone follow one of the following procedures to enable tethering IF USING AT&T US AS YOUR CARRIER From Mobile Safari (on the phone) visit Hit install and accept IF USING ANOTHER CARRIER From Mobile Safari (on the phone) visit Select "MobileConfigs" under the Tethering & Internet Settings section Find your country, and provider's settings file Hit install and accept Now you can check that everything was successful by going to settings -> network and you should see the Internet Tethering option available. Let us know your results!