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Was Steve Jobs Right About This Whole Finger Thing? Testdrive: The Pogo Sketch

October 19, 2009


I live in the Swiss mountains and here, when the Winter arrives, you don't wanna go out without gloves. But what about my iPhone ? Well, this year, to palliate this issue I got myself an iPhone stylus. It's called the Pogo Sketch or Pogo Stylus and it sells for 15$ from its producer Ten One Design.

I know what you're gonna tell me, hold on, a stylus ? With the iPhone ? Sacrilege!  No but seriously, there are times when you just don't have a choice.

The stylus itself might look confusing to you at first, the reason is that at its end, instead of the pointed plastic piece you would expect, you actually have a ball of conductive foam. It is intriguing, but it proved itself to be pretty solid. So quality-wise it's a good product.

When I saw the first snow arrive this thursday I took it with me for the day. It's actually pretty reactive on the screen, you might want to put a little pressure on it at first but it seems like it works better after you've been using it for a little while. For using it with gloves I found it to be extremely useful, even tho it might be frustrating sometimes when you need to do a two-finger gesture.

On the negative side I think the iPhone is actually a lot less fun to use with a stylus even tho it adds this little professional touch that it's sometimes lacking.

Other negative point, you might not be able to use it if you have a screen protecting plastic.

Furthermore the stylus is also compatible with your Macbook trackpad (You can make your signature and little drawings but it won't be of much use until somebody finds a way to put the touchpad in absolute mode).

So yeah I guess Steve was right, fingers are better, but in some cases a stylus can still find itself to be very helpful.

[Ten One Design]

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