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WordPress iPhone App Goes 2.0, But It's Not An Update

October 29, 2009


WordPress users who are constantly on the go will be excited to know that WordPress for the iPhone and iPod touch has been updated to v2.0.  But wait!  Before you go checking for updates you must understand one thing, WordPress 2 is an entirely new app, so it won't show up in updates.  Alright, so it's a bit of a hassle, but the new user interface and features totally make up for the inconvenience. wordpress2_screen1WordPress 2, just like the original WordPress, allows you to write posts, upload photos, edit pages, and manage comments on your blog directly from your iPhone or iPod touch.  WordPress 2, however, sports a brand new and much more efficient user interface that should make mobile blogging a breeze.  WordPress 2 places the comments, posts, and pages tabs at the bottom of the screen instead of in list form as the previous version had, which makes access to all three pages much easier.  It also has a new comments interface that includes Gravatars and author URLs. The app has also been tweaked in other ways: passwords are now stored in the keychain, posts are automatically saved and restored if a network connection is lost during publishing, the app will re-open in the blog last used, added an interface for manually entering the XMLRPC endpoint for non-standard setups, and a whole bunch of other small fixes. WordPress 2 is now available in the App Store for free.  WordPress is an open source app, so if you would like to contribute in some way, feel free to check out their blog.

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