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Review: Spring Fling - Plus We're giving Away a Couple Copies

November 4, 2009

Overview We gave you a sneak peek of Spring Fling, and now that it’s in the App Store, it’s time for the in-depth review. Spring Fling is a casual game comparable to Papi Jump and Doodle Jump. In those games the character constantly jumps, and you just control their movement by tilting. Spring Fling changes the mechanic by requiring you to compress the spring each time you want it to jump. Drag down on the spring, aim to launch it in a certain direction, and release. Watch the spring propel skyward trying to reach as high as you can. Features Spring Fling contains five different worlds to spring through. Bounce up a tree, spring around a waterfall, or even launch up a sewer. AGON online high scores are provided for each of the worlds, as well as the top overall score in any area. As you reach higher in the different worlds you can pick up multiple items to customize your spring.. There are five different hats, and eyewear, and three mustaches. Also there are rockets, balloons, and spring power boosts to collect to help your ascent. In every level the spring power depletes over time, and with each jump. In some areas the board automatically rises, and you have to keep ahead of it. As you progress you will reach pit stops that replenish your spring power. The Good Spring Fling is a quick pick up and play game for anytime, anywhere for a few short minutes in your day. The gameplay is a fresh take on a tired genre that has been dominated by Doodle Jump. Having to compress the spring, aim, and launch adds to the difficulty rather than a constantly jumping character. You travel quite high on Doodle Jump before it gets difficult. Not so in Spring Fling because there are so few platforms. There is only one platform per height, and most of the time you can’t see where the next ones will be at the highest limits, and you’re jumping blind. Overall the game just provides variance instead of the same thing every time like in Doodle Jump. The controls worked perfectly allowing you to drag down anywhere on screen. Online high scores add reason to try to better your own scores. The game looks great, from the various nicely designed moving backgrounds to the cute yellow spring itself. Each background has a lot of detail packed into them. You really connect when you have a customized spring, like my spring with a jester hat, with 3D glasses, and a handle bar moustache. With five worlds there are also five deluxe soundtracks. Each soundtrack goes with the world you’re playing in, and have high variability, but all are nice to listen to. Intermixed is the sproing each time you jump. The Bad The only thing not to like about this game is that it’s short. When playing Doodle Jump, you bounce upwards and score tens of thousands of points taking about 10 minutes. In spring Fling my best score is 450, and it doesn’t take very long to lose. Also there are no enemies to avoid or fire upon which really separates Doodle Jump. The game can be quite difficult as well, but really do you want an easy Doodle Jump clone. The Verdict Spring Fling exemplifies the casual game, and really does a great job to separate itself from similar games. The game provides multiple worlds to spring up, and it looks and sounds great while doing it. The drag to compress, and then aim and release to spring makes this game engaging. The difficulty is definitely a good thing with sparse platforms, and purposeful limiting field of view. Spring Fling is worth $0.99, but I’m not too big of a fan of any of these types of games when there’s so much more you can do for $0.99 in the App Store. ***To win one of two promo codes. Please watch my inaugural voice-over video, and let me know what you think. How do you like having a voice over in the video? What do you think of the special bonus in the video? The winners will be chosen randomly at the end of the day Today (11/4 at 11:59 PM PDT). There are two codes and there will be two separate winners. Download codes are only redeemable through US iTunes accounts. Please remember to include a valid email address so we can contact the winner.

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