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Macworld 2010 Early Bird Pricing Ends Soon

December 3, 2009

As many of you may already know, Apple will be skipping this year's Macwold Expo because the company simply believes that it does not need trade shows to get its message across thanks to its many Apple retail stores, but that doesn't mean you should be skipping Macworld 2010 as well. Macworld 2010 still has a lot to offer, and it intends to usher in a new era by bringing in prominent industry veterans, such as David Pogue and Leo Laporte, to present during the five-day-long expo.  Kevin Smith, the writer/director of films such as Clerks and Dogma, will also be making an appearance to share his perspectives on the use of technology in independent film making.  And although Macworld is about the Mac community, it will also feature tons of different ways for iPhone developers to participate. Macworld 2010 will feature a 50 x 50 area on the show floor allocated for the "Mobile Applications Showcase" that will be able to accommodate up to 120 iPhone developers.  IDG World Expo attempted to make this event as easy and affordable for iPhone developers to participate in as possible with multiple packages that include basically everything a developers needs to literally just show up with their iPhone or iPod touch and be ready to show off their apps.  Developers need to market their apps in as many different ways as possible, and Macworld 2010 will hopefully provide them with a great way to do so face to face. If you would like to attend Macworld 2010 this year, register immediately to save up to as much as $300 with early bird pricing.  Macworld 2010 regular pricing kicks in on Saturday, December 5th, so you better hurry.

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