What Apps Should We Review in December? Plus We’re Giving Away Awesome Promo Codes
by Staff Writer
December 2, 2009
It's the holiday season, and hopefully some apps are on your wish list. You may be unsure whether certain apps are worth it. Just tell us which ones, and we will try to give you some app advice.
It's that time of the month again where you get to give your input on what apps we review. Tons of apps are in the App Store, and there is sure to be a rush of holiday themed apps. Which ones stand out for you?
November saw the release of a lot of major titles, and we reviewed 66 apps in the month (which I believe is a record). We're constantly growing as a site, with more reviewers especially. Our constant goal is to always have the Top 25 paid and grossing lists covered. That means when we have those pretty well covered we look to the apps suggested in the comments of this post.
Currently of the top 25 paid apps, 18 are games, and our coverage is indicative of that ratio. We do have new productivity and utility reviewers so we will have better coverage of those as well so we can give advice to everyone on every app.
November was a huge month, and our five favorite apps of the month are: