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Why Jailbreak: ProSwitcher

December 30, 2009


One thing that the iPhone has always been missing is the ability to switch between applications quickly and smoothly. We all thought that the answer had arrived with MultiFl0w, but that turned out to be rather glitchy and basically an unusable method for doing something that should be very simple. Well, my prayers for a sleek and efficient application switcher have been answered, with the wondrous application ProSwitcher.


ProSwitcher is a Palm Pre-style application manager that allows you to switch between your currently opened applications (the 'open applications' must have been backgrounded with backgrounder). Switching between your current applications is as easy as swiping your finger. You get to see a screenshot of the application's current state, as well as its name and icon while choosing what app to switch to. I have not had ProSwitcher crash or even freeze up on me once. It seems to be the most stable utility I have ever used on the iPhone.


As if all of these wonderful things weren't enough, ProSwitcher is completely customizable. It allows you to change how you activate the switcher (Home Button Double Press, Sleep Button Short Hold, Status Bar Swipe Down, and seven other methods are available to you), alter the amount of applications it shows, change the page dots and applications titles, and even customize the background of the switcher. There are hundreds of possibilities as to how your Palm Pre-style application switcher will look. It's just another reason that ProSwitcher may be the biggest revolution in the jailbreaking world since Cydia.


Go get ProSwitcher right now. The Cydia repository is Trust me, you won't regret it. I've had it for just a few days, yet it has already changed how I use my phone. ProSwitcher is the future. And the future is now.


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