After taking in all of that iPad hype yesterday, there is no doubt some of you are looking to just wind down this evening by playing a good free game or two on your trusty iPhone or iPod touch. The two games we have for you today that are definitely worth your time to download are:
Titanic Rescue and
Titanic Rescue ($.99 -> Free): Donut Games has made a habit of dropping their $.99 games to free over the past few months, and this time it's
Titanic Rescue getting the free treatment. This casual game consists of flicking passengers out of a sinking ship and catching them in the rescue boats or life rafts below. You can slide the boats from side to side to catch your falling passengers, and you are rewarded with bonus points for putting like-colored passengers in the same boat. If you put too many passengers in a single boat, however, it will capsize and a splash will be added to your life bar. You will also receive splashes for missing the boats entirely. Get five splashes and the game is over.
Donut Games states that
Titanic Rescue will be free for a limited time, but when they say limited, they usually mean quite a while. But don't wait too long.
iStunt - Extreme 2D Snowboarding ($1.99 - Free):
iStunt is an accelerometer and touch controlled snowboarding game that will have you flying down mountains and performing tricks. You can jump over giant gaps by swiping down to make your snowboarder crouch, and then swiping up to make him jump. Tilt your device from side to side to keep the board level and perform perfect landings. You are also able to do flip tricks by tilting your device backwards or forwards. Make sure to get the board back under you while in the air, however, otherwise the game is over.
The game includes 25 levels, unique sound effects and music, and OpenFeint integration.
iStunt is free today only (1/28/10) as part of