Dictionary.com Goes 2.0, Adds 500,000 New Words And Definitions
February 17, 2010
Dictionary.com, a free dictionary app for your iPhone or iPod touch, has finally made its way to v2.0. It has been a very long time coming, as the app hasn't seen any sort of update since June 2009.
Dictionary.com is one of the better free dictionary apps available in the App Store thanks to its simplicity and ease of use. The app was recently updated with more than 500,000 new words and definitions, including the much-loved slang terms, pushing the total to nearly 1 million. All word definitions are available offline, which is a huge plus for iPod touch users. A connection is required, however, to access the Word of the Day, hear audio pronunciations, and view similarly spelled words.
Dictionary.com v2.0 also features a nifty shake mechanic to view a randomly-selected word, Spanish Word of the Day, antonyms in the Thesaurus, and the ability to browse and edit recent activity. The update also brings a faster install, so those 42MB shouldn't be too painful.
One addition that hasn't been welcomed with open arms is ads, but the ads in Dictionary.com don't appear all that often, only popping up after several searches or page changes. They are also collapsible via a small "x" on the top right-hand side of the ad to allow you to view the entire page.
The developers do not offer a paid version of Dictionary.com, so if a few random ads popping up trying to sell you one of the company's other paid iPhone apps is just too much to handle, you might want to look elsewhere. Otherwise, Dictionary.com is a solid free solution for your word finding needs.