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Nasa Launches An iPhone Game: Takes An Astronaut To Play

February 23, 2010

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration isn't sending a man to the moon anytime soon in this economy/administration, instead it's apparently focusing on iPhone game development. Their first creation, Lunar Electric Rover Simulator, allows you to drive manipulate a LER on the lunar surface to support the existence of an outpost, and it's awfully complicated. At least it's guaranteed to kill your kids' spatial ambition in no time. Alright, maybe I am not cut out for the job, how frustrating! Go check it out, it's free.

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NASA Lunar Electric Rover Simulator
NASA Lunar Electric Rover Simulator
NASA Lunar Electric Rover Simulator
NASA Lunar Electric Rover Simulator
NASA Lunar Electric Rover Simulator
NASA Lunar Electric Rover Simulator

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