Win An Assassin's Creed II Discovery Promo Code
February 18, 2010
AppAdvice has teamed up with Ubisoft in order to offer you a chance at winning one promo code for the highly sought after Assassin's Creed II Discovery ($6.99).
Assassin's Creed II Discovery was developed by Ubisoft, and is a direct port of the Nintendo DS version by the same name, except the controls and gameplay have been reworked a bit to utilize the iPhone’s full potential.
The game is a side-scrolling platformer, although it does feature 3D visuals. You control the main character, Ezio, via an on-screen slider that moves him left or right. On-screen buttons to jump, attack, and go into stealth mode are all located on the right hand side of the screen. Gameplay mostly consists of running and leaping over buildings, and stealthily sneaking up on foes in order to take them down.
When you are dueling with an enemy, the new combat system allows you to unleash combos and counter attacks, adding depth to the gameplay. At the end of each level you will be graded on how fast and how efficiently you took down your enemies and awarded points for your efforts. Those points can be used to unlock new goodies in the game.
Assassin's Creed II Discovery has faired well in the reviews department, scoring four out of five stars on average. We also gave it a solid four star rating, declaring it a "should buy," but you won't have to buy it if you are lucky enough.
To have a chance at winning one Assassin's Creed II Discovery promo code, simply leave a comment below before 11:59 PM PST tonight (February 18th) telling us who you believe is the coolest, most badass assassin across all movies, video games, and books. It of course can be Ezio from Assassin's Creed, but it doesn't have to be. Our single winner will be chosen at random.
This giveaway is only open to our U.S. readers. Please post only one comment per person, multiple comments will get you disqualified.