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Appisode 97: iBookstore Exclusive, Digg Hits The App Store, Plus A New Wacky App

March 24, 2010
If Amazon wasn't freaking out about the iPad before, they should be now. App Advice has been shown the iBookstore and I can confirm that pricing on the iPad is going to be extremely comparable to what is already being offered on the Kindle. Check out the video and today for more info. Digg has just hit the App Store, but unfortunately not for everyone. That's right it's available in most European countries, just not the U.S.. But it's coming! App of the Day and This week's Wacky App: MythBusters: The Official Discovery Channel App For The iPhone

Mentioned apps

MythBusters iPhone and iPod Touch Edition
MythBusters iPhone and iPod Touch Edition
Phunware, Inc

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