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Exclusive: Official Apple iPad Apps - Keynote Revealed

April 1, 2010

You've probably had friends ask you "What on earth would I use an iPad for?" and perhaps you've stumbled a little for the answer. Well stumble no more as we have got exclusive details of Keynote for iPad. Keynote allows you to create beautiful presentations with animations, charts, photos and videos all from the comfort of your living room.

As you can see, Keynote has many of the features of it's desktop counterpart, albeit with a touch-friendly interface. You can drag and drop elements such as photos, create custom animations with 'Magic Move', use any of the 20+ built-in transitions and create and rearrange slides with the slide navigator. Slideshows can be saved in PDF or iWork '09 format and then be emailed to a friend or uploaded to Keynote is priced at $9.99 and will be available from the iPad app store on April 3rd. Note price and screenshots are subject to change.

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