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AppAdvice Is Headed To 360|iDev, Let Us Know If You Will Be There

April 7, 2010

Continuing our streak of covering all major app-related events, AppAdvice is headed to San Jose, California to see what iPhone and iPad app developers are cooking up at this year's 360|iDev conference. If you are an iPhone or iPad app developer, or even just an app fanatic who will be attending the 360|iDev conference and would like to speak with our team member Trevor Sheridan at or near the event to share what you have been working on, simply send him a message via Twitter (@mactds) or send an email to  He will respond to all requests as quickly as possible in order to fit everyone in. If you haven't signed up for 360|iDev quite yet but would like to, boy do we have a deal for you.  The fine folks running the show have provided us with a special discount code to share that will save you 15% on the registration price.  Just head to the sign-up page and right below the ticket quantity you will see a "Enter Discount Code" link.  Click it and enter this code to receive 15% off: goodappadvice. 360|iDev begins on April 11th and finishes up on April 14th.

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