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A Chance To Win An OmniCalc (Universal) Promo Code With A Retweet Or Comment

April 14, 2010

AppAdvice has teamed up with Jellyfilled Studios in order to offer you a chance at winning one of 10 promo codes for OmniCalc ($1.99).  OmniCalc is a universal app, which means iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad owners can all participate in this giveaway. OmniCalc is a calculator app that anyone and everyone can use.  It features eight different calculator designs ranging from super easy (your basic calculator) to scientific.  Calculators can be switched between simply by rotating your device.  For example, portrait mode displays an easy calculator by default, and if you spin your device to the right it turns into a scientific calculator.  Spin it upside down and you can have it display a super easy calculator. Calculator types based on orientation can be quickly customized via the info button, along with the ability to change the numeric font, save and access your own formulas, change calculation settings, and more. OmniCalc's most valuable feature, however, is its ability to scroll through operations in order to add, edit or delete them while providing real-time results.  If you want to change any of your operations, simply tap on it and input a new one or tap clear to remove.  Your results will change instantly so you won't have to start all over if you have made a mistake.   Operations can also be annotated in order to create powerful spreadsheet-like formulas. To have a chance at winning one of five OmniCalc promo codes, simply hit that green retweet bottom near the bottom of this page or retweet this post from your favorite Twitter app before 11:59 PM PDT tonight (April 14th). We will then search the Twitterverse for all of the retweets and randomly choose our lucky winners. The winners will be notified via Twitter, so please be sure to follow us so we can send you your promo code via a direct message. Non-Twitter users and those of you who want to increase your odds of winning can leave a relevant comment below before 11:59 PM PDT tonight for a chance to win one of the other five OmniCalc promo codes. Feel free to participate in the giveaway via either or both methods. This giveaway is only open to U.S. iTunes account users.

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Jellyfilled Studios
Jellyfilled Studios

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