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Are European iPads Running Into Trouble?

April 5, 2010

I've been stalking my wireless carrier, Swisscom, pretty much hourly since the iPad announcement. Just like with the iPhone 3G and 3GS, they added beginning of February a dedicated page on their site where you could sign-up for an email alert when the time comes, ever since... nothing.

Until last week actually when mysteriously, the dedicated page and any reference to it disappeared. At first, I thought to myself "it's alright, they're just prepping the full-blown page", then a few days later "the demand is probably so high that they are just afraid they won't be able to face it".

Well, Swisscom's official explanation published last night presages a different, worst case scenario:

We are not certain anymore that Apple will deliver us and we're waiting for further details

This, added to the complete lack of news on that matter from Apple tells me that the iPad won't make it to Europe as scheduled, by the end of April; but I really hope I'm wrong on this one...

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