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Looking For A Fun Multiplayer Game For Your iPad? Download Tap Blaster HD While It's Free

April 5, 2010

Most of you probably got a good amount of use out of your iPads this weekend, filling them with every app that you could get your hands on.  If you are a gamer, you more than likely downloaded Harbor Master HD and/or We Rule without even a second thought because they are available for free.  Well today we have another great free iPad gaming option for you titled Tap Blaster, only this one is full of head-to-head multiplayer goodness. If Tap Blaster HD rings a bell, it should.  We first discussed the game about a week ago, highlighting that it was CollegeKidApps' first iPad app and, actually, their first game.  Tap Blaster HD launched in the App Store over the weekend for $.99 and the guys at CollegeKidApp had full intentions of eventually raising the price even further, but instead, it looks like they have had a short term change of heart, making the game available for free until its next update, which is already on its way. Tap Blaster HD is sort of like air hockey in space with more hectic gameplay and explosions.  In the game you must defend your planet by sliding your ship from side to side in order to stop the oncoming projectiles from hitting your planet.  While blocking your opponent's projectiles, you can also fire your own by tapping within the firing zone on the screen and wherever you tap, that's where the projectile will fire from.  The first person to land five hits on the opponent's planet wins. Tap Blaster HD is fairly simple, but it's extremely fast-paced since you must shoot and block at the same time, which really puts the multi-touch controls to good use.  The impending update that will bump the price back up to $.99 will feature power-ups and more gameplay elements, so this one is a worthy and free investment.

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Tap Blaster HD
Tap Blaster HD

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