Grow And Send Virtual Flowers For Free With Flower Garden (Universal)
May 8, 2010
Caring for real flowers can be a huge pain. Your hands get all dirty, water can leak everywhere leaving stains behind, and sometimes the flowers will just die, forcing you to drive into town to buy new seeds and start the whole ridiculously slow process all over again. But thanks to Snappy Touch's Flower Garden it doesn't have to be that way. The virtual flower planting, growing, and sending app allows you to do everything you can do in a real garden without actually being a huge pain, and we're happy to tell you it is available for free through the weekend.
Flower Garden allows you to plant and grow flowers virtually, which not only cuts down on the amount of time the whole process takes but is also mess-free. The app starts you off with a single pot full of fully grown flowers which you can choose to care for, or cut and place in a bouquet to send off to friends and family via email or post on Facebook. Bouquets can be personalized with different backgrounds and heartfelt cards, allowing you to brighten up anyone's day.
But Flower Garden contains more than a single pot of fully grown flowers, there are actually a total of 12 pots to fill with different seeds and care for. At the beginning of the process, only three different types of seeds are unlocked, but as time goes by up to 17 more types of seeds will be available to you. Even more seeds, pots, and fertilizer are available via in-app purchase.
Snappy Touch recently updated Flower Garden with universal support, meaning iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad owners can join in on the fun.
Flower Garden is normally available for $2.99, but for the entire weekend it will be available for free. Every one of you should download this app if only to send your mothers some virtual flowers on Mother's Day. It's free brownie points people! Take advantage.