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Review: Igloo Games Arcade - Universal App

May 10, 2010


If you don't know Igloo Games that's definitely a shame as they are one of the best small development teams around with one of the first best games for the iPhone in Dizzy Bee. Since then they have made a sequel to Dizzy Bee as well as a new take on the match three with Flippin' and a touch to destroy object game called Bed Bugs. Igloo games are known for the amount of polish packed into everyone of their games, and even more for the amount of fun in each and every one. Igloo Games also made the launch of the iPad with Igloo Games Arcade which combines all four of their games in one app. The iPad app features redesigned versions of all four of their games for the iPad. Also included are features only possible on the iPad including dual player mode and head to head play. The app has now been made into a universal app so iPhone and iPod Touch users also can play all four games in one app.


The game features Dizzy Bee, Dizzy Bee 2, Flippin', and Bed Bugs. The iPhone version just has those four games in one app for a much cheaper price than having all four separately. The iPad version has its own unique features only possible on that device. The biggest thing is dual user mode which allows players to play two different games on the same iPad. The app splits the screen in half allowing a player to have access to any of the four games completely irrelevant of what the other person is playing, and vice versa. The game also includes versus mode for Flippin' where your actions appear right on the other half of the screen. Dizzy Bee is a co-op mode rather than a versus mode where one player controls dizzy bee and the fruits while the other player controls the enemies. You work together to get all the fruits to safety or you can play head to head if you have a friend who wanta to play the evil side. New controls are included for Dizzy Bee 1 & 2 allowing you to use touch instead of the classic tilt, so you hold your finger where you want to adjust gravity. The touch controls allow for Dizzy Bee to be played as part of dual user mode and co-op mode. They're also included in the iPhone version.

The Good

The best aspect is that you get four games in one app that runs on the iPhone and iPad. Igloo Games Arcade costs $4.99 while the iPhone version of Dizzy Bee, Dizzy Bee 2, and Flippin' are $2.99 each, and Bed Bugs is $1.99. That's a total of $11 for just the iPhone versions in comparison to only $5 for all four games running on both devices. The price is definitely great, but what's even better are the games themselves with each one great. Dizzy Bee is a great platformer that is completely unique where you tilt to move your character needing to collect fruit and flowers while avoiding all types of enemies. Each level provides a different layout and obstacles, and you'll need to use the layout to your advantage. Some enemies tilt with your tilting so they are tough to get away from, while others keep coming at you, and more. Just one touch from an enemy and you'll have squished fruit. Dizzy Bee 2 builds upon everything of the first game giving you more types of fruit, more enemies, new obstacles and a much more challenging experience that maintains the same level of enjoyment. There are about fifty levels in each game which gives you 100 in Igloo Games arcade. Bed Bugs is a tap to destroy object game that is the best of the genre. All kinds of bed bugs appear, and you need to tap to destroy them to keep your sleepwalker sleeping. There are 30 levels with each one introducing a new bug requiring a different mechanic to squish. Some you need to pull apart while others you need to hold down for a certain amount of time while others you can only tap at certain times. Also included are objects that are worth points if you don't squish them, like caries. Bed Bugs is super enjoyable in every single level that will have you tapping your screen frantically. Finally Flippin' is a new take on the match three genre where each tile has two sides, and you flip them to have a certain side appear. There are four possible objects you are trying to match which are shape and color codes, and you can see the color on the opposite side of the tile facing you. It's one of the best match threes in the App Store giving you a completely different challenge where you flip and drag tiles to make matches all across the board. The game also features a survival mode, puzzle mode, and versus mode over wifi or Bluetooth. The iPad version features a head to head versus mode which is extra great as you flip a tile on your half, and it flips on the other persons half as your facing each other. The iPad version also allows a player to play a Dizzy Bee while another plays Flippin' or Bed Bugs and Flippin' or both playing the same game, and any combination of the four. There two completely separate halves as though each has their own personal arcade, and you only need one iPad for two people too enjoy the fun. Also included in the iPad version is one gigantic Dizzy Bee level which is simply amazing. All four of these games are great with each one as one of the best in its genre, and you get them all in one. If you own an iPhone and iPad there is no better purchase in the App Store as you get four native games for each device for one price. If you only own an iPad this is a great purchase as all four have been redesigned for the bigger device, and are some of the four best games for the iPhone platform. If you only own an iPhone this is still a great buy as again all four of these games by themselves are some of the best in the App Store. Now if you own any of these individual apps this is still worth picking up as you get some new games too. Only if you've bought three of these games separately, and best them completely would this app not be worth buying. In that rare case you probably already love Igloo Games, and know what I'm talking about. Flippin' plays much better on the iPad with the added screen real estate to tap on the exact tile you want very quickly flippin' multiple tiles at once. You can also tell easier what's on the reverse of each tile on board. Bed Bugs is way better on the iPad with so much more room to tap on all the various bugs. Now you can use a bunch of fingers at once to dispatch of tons of bugs on screen.

The Bad

Bed Bugs and Flippin' definitely benefit from the larger screen real estate of the iPad. Both Dizzy Bee's on the other hand just don't feel the same tilting the iPad. It's not like titling games aren't suited for the device as Labyrinth 2 is even better on the iPad. The calibration for Dizzy Bee just isn't as fine tuned as the individual games. You have to tilt the iPad all over to move appropriately, and it feels like such a hassle. When playing iPhone version of Dizzy Bee 2 at double pixel on the iPad it plays much better with it much easier to tilt, and everything moving at a faster pace. The iPad version seems to be a tick slow as well which makes the game not nearly as much fun as the marvelous iPhone stand alone version. To check further, playing the Igloo Games Arcade version of Dizzy Bee on the iPhone it still felt everything moved a little slower, and tilting wasn't as accurate, and required further movement of even the iPhone. Just to double check playing the stand alone version of Dizzy Bee 2 on the iPhone you could clearly tell the difference in controls between stand alone Dizzy Bee, and the one in Igloo Games Arcade. Whether on the iPad or iPhone the title controls don't work as well in Igloo Games Arcade as the stand alone Dizzy Bee. The new touch controls are even worse though that just don't even come close to allowing the kind of precision required in most of the levels in both Dizzy Bees. Now the controls are more difficult than the iPhone counterpart, but that doesn't mean the game isn't fun. It doesn't make the game unplayable, just a little more tedious. It's not quite as fun, but knowing Igloo Games they are working on an update customizing the game a little better for the bigger device. There is juttering of the screen when you start a level on the iPhone version as it readjusts and the iPad version crashed on a couple times.

The Verdict

Igloo Games Arcade may be the best app in the App Store giving you four of the best games around in three different categories running natively on the iPhone and iPad. Each of the four games is so much fun they are must buys separately with the combination of fun and challenge in an absolutely beautiful package. The app is for everyone by giving different genres, different difficulties, and allowing for multiple players on one iPad while providing fun for all. Igloo Games Arcade is an absolute must for $4.99 that every single idevice owner should have.

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