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New Sleek-Looking Bluetooth Headset Comes With Its Own App

May 29, 2010

This is Sound ID 510. Sound ID 510 is no ordinary Bluetooth headset. Besides its sleek black (or white!) look and simple design, it has one thing other Bluetooth headsets don't offer: its very own application, EarPrint. Sound ID is the very first company to introduce this feature to the Bluetooth headset market. The 510 is compatible with all Bluetooth 2.0+ phones, but the iPhone is where the headset is targeted at.

From within Ear Print, you can change various settings for the headset, such as the In-Call Status LED and how the sound is focused, but maybe the most remarkable goodie is the "Find My Headset" feature. If you are like me and tend to lose gadgets quickly, than this is the headset for you! No more hours of searching long and far, just to find it right where you left it on your desk. The Sound ID 510 is available starting June 6th, the day before the supposed release of the new iPhone, for a price tag of $130. You can visit the product page here. It's nice to see companies aiming more products for the iPhone market specifically. Right?

Mentioned apps

Sound ID
Sound ID

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