Movies Now HD Helps Simplify The Movie-Going Experience For iPhone And iPad Users
June 27, 2010
The App Store contains quite a few apps for moviegoers, but few of them are actually able to help simplify the movie-going experience. Most of the time developers just try to throw in as many features as possible in attempt to claim superiority. That's not the case with AppSpark's newly released Movies Now HD, a universal app that provides movie fanatics with the ability to intuitively discover and learn about films, and purchase tickets for the ones they want to see in theaters.
Movies Now HD for iPhone and iPad sports a simple yet eye-catching, almost Pulse-like, interface that makes discovering movies a breeze, at least on the iPad. The iPhone version's interface is just as easy to use, except it lacks the left-to-right scrollable categories.
Tapping on a film will display all kinds of information related to it, including its poster, synopsis, run time, rating, trailer, and much more. You can add the film to your wishlist for quick access later on, or you can share it with a friend via email. If you finally decide that's the film you want to see, tapping on the "View Showtimes" button will display showtimes for theaters within a specific range, and then you can purchase your tickets, thanks to integration, with only a few more taps.
The app supports over 11,000 screens across the US and over 3,000 across Canada. It is able to store your information safely on the device by requiring you to enter a 4-digit passcode whenever accessing your credit card information. After the first go-through, you should be able to purchase tickets in less than one minute.
Even if you don't decide to utilize the app's ability to purchase tickets for local movie theaters, you can still find theaters nearby via the built-in Google Maps. Theaters are listed from closest to furthest, and by tapping on one, you can view all of the movies and showtimes for up to five days out. You can also obtain the theater's physical address and phone number in case you need help finding your way.
Movies Now HD currently lacks the ability to view ratings for films from multiple sources, and it also lacks social integration besides the ability to share films via email. The developers are, however, working on adding the ability to multitask (iPhone-only, of course) and Retina display optimization. Both of which should be available in the next update.
Movies Now HD, a universal app, is now available in the App Store for $1.99, which is an introductory price. If you only have an iPhone and don't intend to ever own an iPad, Movies Now 2 is available for half the price, $.99. It's the exact same app, just without iPad-optimization.
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