When a high-profile app or game receives an update that includes multitasking support, it's usually pretty big news. But in
Peggle's case, the addition of multitasking support takes a back seat to the addition of background music, a feature
Peggle fans have been asking for since the game first launched in May 2009.
You would think that since
Peggle allowed users to play their own music in the background, the lack of the classic
Peggle music wouldn't be a big deal, but you would be very, very wrong. The classic
Peggle background music is one of those things that makes the game memorable. The tunes have a calming effect on you as you meticulously aim your launcher in an attempt to hit as many orange pegs as possible. It also sticks in your head, so hours after you have stopped playing you are reminded that you actually should still be playing instead of humming the tune to yourself while working. It's that big of a deal.
But enough about the music,
Peggle v1.1 also features fast app switching, so you can surf the web or answer a call and then instantly get back to your game in progress. PopCap took the opportunity to optimize the game as well, so it should play much smoother.
If you haven't caught
Peggle fever yet, there is no better time than the present. It is available in the App Store for $2.99.