Best Buy Movie Mode Makes You Sit Through Despicable Me's End Credits
July 8, 2010
If you are taking the family out to see the 3D animated movie Despicable Me this weekend, you may want to check out a few of the movie-based apps that have hit the App Store over the past few weeks. Specifically, Best Buy's advertising vehicle of an app, Best Buy Movie Mode.
Best Buy Movie Mode may be the first and only app that will actually make you want to sit through a movie's end credits. This free app requires you throw out everything you have ever learned about attending movies in theaters and leave your iDevice on in order to allow it to sync up with the movie and translate every word the minions are saying during the end credits. After the translation is complete, exclusive content will apparently be unlocked within the app, although we aren't sure what exactly that content is.
For those of you concerned about getting popcorn or something even worse thrown at you for having your phone on during the movie, Best Buy recommends putting it into silent mode, then starting the app and putting it into movie mode. This will dim the screen and still allow the app to vibrate, which will inform you when the translation process has begun.
Despicable Me is only the first of many movies that will be "enhanced" with the Best Buy Movie Mode, so you can keep it installed if you would like and wait for the next one.
Best Buy Movie Mode isn't the only app in the App Store capitalizing off of Despicable Me. Namco has iPhone and iPad versions of their puzzle game based off of the movie, Despicable Me: Minion Mania, available in the App Store. NBC has also taken the opportunity to offer up a free app of their own, Despicable Me: iMoo, which features nine animal sounds, access to the movie's trailer, and an exclusive ringtone.
Thanks to the App Store, movie-going will never be the same.