The arcade golf game from Gameloft Let’s Golf has a brand new sequel. Let’s Golf 2 brings the same style, but with brand new courses and holes giving you 108 in total compared to only 64 in the original. Let’s Golf is a great sports game so how does the sequel compare?
There are six courses in total across England, Kenya, Germany, Greece, Mexico, and even Greenland. There are brand new game modes as well including a career mode and challenge mode to go with instant play and free hole mode. Career mode gives you ten events per course with each one unlockable by reaching a certain number of gold medals, with each one earned per event.
Challenge mode features four events with longest putt, bunker ball, birdie or bust, and catch the star. There are five difficulty levels per event that tests your putting, chipping, overall shooting ability for birdies, and accuracy by shooting the star. There is online multiplayer as well allowing you to play locally over WiFi or Bluetooth or completely online using Gameloft live.
The Good
Let’s Golf 2 features the same gameplay style as the original, and that’s definitely a good thing. Let’s Golf 2 makes golf fast paced and fun by allowing for a quick look to aim your shot, and then you can be shooting away. You can make great shots with a couple of taps that any player can handle and enjoy.
From the opening drive, to irons, chips, and putting it’s an enjoyable shot each time. Each hole is fun to play as they’re mixed with realism, but have a little outlandishness to provide plenty of challenge. The game is made perfectly for on the go gaming with simple set-up, quick play cycles, ease of use, and fast app switching capabilities.

The new career mode is the best aspect of the game, and something the original was severely lacking. Now you can progress from event to event, and improve the attributes of your player. There are tons of items to collect, and with 60 events to play you’ll be golfing for a long time to come.
The courses are outstanding with all six playing very different from each other, and every single one of the 108 holes varied. From course to course there is an increase in difficulty with longer holes, lower par, and more gaps and out of bounds areas to mess you up. It’s a great journey around the globe going from Kenya to Greenland and everywhere in between.

Each course has tons of unique qualities which are highlighted by the layout of the course, but also the inclusion of animals. As you’re playing golf you will see foxes, horses, bunnies, zebras, elephants, lions, gophers, penguins, and polar bears to name a few. The game looks even better than the great looking original with the 3D modeled amazing course layouts and backgrounds.
The animations of the swing, and flight of the ball are fluid, and the various camera angles of the ball in flight are outstanding. This is a great looking game with six very different locations all packed with visual style to easily identify each. There is a different soundtrack for each location that fit well and sound great.

The challenge mode is a nice change of pace to the more traditional career mode so you can have even more of an arcade feel. The online multiplayer works well, and it’s another feature to keep you coming back whether you’re playing online against global competitors or locally against your friends on their iPhone and iPod Touches. When online the game does stutter a little, and there are brief longer load times which make the game look like it’s freezing.
The Bad
The main problem is that the game feels too easy with just two taps to launch the ball away. There is plenty of precision without much maneuvering which is what makes the game fun, but after awhile the ease of the game makes it rather boring. The opponents you play are usually really bad so playing in an event isn’t usually a challenge.

Therefore the best way to play is one hole at a time trying to shoot under par which brings back some of the challenge. The new courses really increase the difficulty, and just trying to go under par on each hole is tons of challenge and fun regardless of what your pitiful opponents do. The shooting mechanic is so simple that anyone can enjoy, but it’s definitely easier than the original with a slower moving power bar to make the timing that much easier.
The Verdict
Let’s Golf 2 picks up right where the original left off, and improves on most aspects. There is the same arcade style that makes the game fast paced fun, but now with tons more to do. The courses are extremely well made to keep the challenge coming, and they’re really great to play with difficult layouts and great views of every location.
Let’s Golf 2 is a should buy for $4.99 and even higher if you liked the original. If you never played the original you can skip it, and just pick up the much better sequel as this game is for everyone whether you like golf or are bored to tears by it. Let’s Golf 2 makes golf so much more engaging than you’ve ever experienced it before.