If you use the internet, chances are you have at least one social networking account. Facebook ring a bell? How about Twitter? Thought so. Well, updating your status can get tiresome, so if you want to make life easy, and update your status on both sites at the same time, than qStatus is for you.
qStatus supports multiple accounts for both networks, lets you add information such as what you're listening to, where you are or attach photos. But is it worth buying? Let's find out.

- Support for Facebook and Twitter
- Multiple account support
- Tweet what you're listening to
- Add photos with TwitPic or other services
- Geotagging
- Insert Twitter username into tweets
- Twitter trends browser
- Long Tweet and Tweet Shrink support
To get started, add your Facebook and Twitter account. Jump into settings, input your credentials and your ready to start updating. qStatus allows you to add more than one of each type of account as well. To update your status, start typing in the text box. If you want to add photos or video to your update you can either use the camera, or select something from the camera roll.

If you want to add what music you are listening to, simply press the music note icon and the artist, song title and URL will be added.
The location icon can be used to either geotag your status, add a map URL or update your profile location. qStatus also includes a Twitter trends browser, URL shortening and saving of drafts. Once you've added all this extra information to your status, hit the update status button and you're done.
The Breakdown
The Good:
qStatus does exactly what it should do and it does it well. The interface is easy to use and has all the bells and whistles, such as photo and video upload, now playing and geotagging. The ability to change the background gives users the option to personalise the app, and multiple account support is a welcome addition.
The Bad:
qStatus does not offer a choice of services for video and photo upload, which might put some people off to prefer a different service to TwitPic and TwitVid, which are the defaults. The URL shortening uses qStatus's own service, which means you won't be able to track clicks on your links using a bit.ly API key.
The Verdict
The lack of choice in terms of photo upload and URL shortening may put some advanced users off of qStatus, but as a quick and easy method of updating Facebook and Twitter simultaneously, this app is the perfect choice.