AppFresh: The Best New Apps Of The Last 24 Hours
August 9, 2010
As you know, there are plenty of new apps hitting the App Store every day (about 600/day lately). We normally get around to picking up the most interesting ones for you. But, we can't cover everything and many good apps slip through the cracks. While they're probably not the next Doodle Jump or Shazam, these apps can be lots of fun, very useful or both. I'm going to try to catch little gems now, and hopefully daily. We're calling it Appfresh:
Pimpy by Underplot apps (iPhone) is a photo editing app that will allow you to add elements to your photographs before sharing them. It goes from fake moustaches to frames and accessories.
It looks cheesy, but could be fun. Price: $.99
Tacts by TernTek MayArt (iPhone) is a contact management app. It smartly re-orders your contacts by location and history to make placing a call much faster.
It lets you create all kinds of groups and set up actions for each user.
It goes for $2.99
Fastboard by feedtailor (iPad) is "a file viewing and transfer application that operates between the user’s Mac OSX Desktop and iPad. The application works in conjunction with Mac OSX-specific software [FastBoard for Mac]. FastBoard allows users to quickly and easily transfer files between their desktop and iPad by simply dragging and dropping the desired file(s)."
It looks particularly powerful with tons of very interesting uses. It goes for $3.99
Current Location by Brian Chan (iPhone) is a very simple app that just gives you your current street address based on your GPS location.
This could be useful.
It goes for $.99.
Fourminder by Socialbit (iPhone) is perfect for those of you trying to pick up Foursquare and become true over-sharers.
It will monitor how long it's been since your last check-in and remind you to check-in to a new place.
It's free.
Gyro Air Drums by Logic Consulting (iPhone 4) is an iPhone 4 -powered air-drumming app.
Comes in a free and paid version.
Sounds like fun, and it's free.
Movie Buzz by Mist Labs (iPhone) tells you what people are currently saying about the top movies at the box office.
Seems to be pulling its information from Twitter.
Interesting, fast, and well, free.
Time To Cook by Fourvinger (iPhone) is a cooking timer that will tell you how long until your meal is ready.
It's all pre-set, and features iOS 4 multitasking. Goes for $.99
That's it for today. Anything we missed? Please share it with us in the comments.