AppFresh Daily: The Very Best Apps From The Last 24 Hours
August 20, 2010
As you know, there are plenty of new apps hitting the App Store every day (about 600/day lately). The thing is, most of them are Flashlight and Radio apps, so it’s not easy to find the little gems in all the clutter. Let us take care of that for you, it’s Appfresh daily:
DMs (iPhone) is a dedicated app to help you deal with your Direct Twitter Messages. It lets you save them, organize them and so on.
It goes for $2.99.
Dibs (iPhone) is a match-making app that claims it can find your soulmate, close to your location, based on some personal data.
It's free.
Tell me when (iPhone) is a simple reminder app based on local notifications. Just tell it when to remind you about something, and it will. No need for an internet connection.
It's free.
Until (iPhone) pulls the upcoming events from your calendar and tells you how distant they are in time.
It goes for $1.99.
River of News (iPad) is yet another Google reader. You control it with swipes, and it will mark things as read as you scroll through them.
It goes for $2.99.
Friend Alert (iPhone) lets you stalk people on Facebook by sending you a Push notification at the moment they come online.
It's free.
That's it for today. Did we miss anything? Tell us in the comments!