Now You Can Finally Find Out If EpicWin Is A Winning To-Do App
August 19, 2010
The long-awaited RPG-inspired iPhone task manager, EpicWin, is finally available in the App Store. Now those willing to part with $2.99 can finally find out what all the fuss is about.
EpicWin had to have been one of the more talked about to-do apps in recent memory. In general, iPhone and iPod touch users have been excited about the idea of combining their everyday to-do list with RPG elements in hopes of giving them a more compelling reason to actually complete tasks.
EpicWin looks like your everyday to-do app on the surface, as it features a streamlined interface that displays tasks that need to be completed, the ability to search for tasks, the ability to set a task as reoccurring, mark tasks as completed and more. Where the app differs, however, is with its RPG elements.
When you first launch the app you are required to enter a character name and choose from one of five avatars, two of which are an extra $.99 via in-app purchase. This is the character you will be working towards leveling up by completing tasks.
When you create a task, you are required to add a date, description, choose the amount of epicness -- the amount of points that will be awarded upon completion, the type of quest and how often the task occurs. After you have physically completed the task in the real world, you can tap and hold on the epicness value associated with that task and a battle will take place. When the battle is finished, the task will be darkened indicating you have done your duties, and you will be awarded with points and possibly loot. Loot and the fact that you have leveled up your character can be shared via Twitter so you can show off to your friends.
That's pretty much the gist of it, which, as you can imagine, poses a few problems. The app isn't in any way a full-blown task manager. It is lacking quite a few features, including a calendar, push notifications, syncing, specific task times, subtasks, tagging and more. The app completely lacks audio as well. There is also a potential issue with the fact that you are allowed to assign your own amount of epicness to a task and complete it within the app without actually completing it in the real world. But in this case, all you are really doing is hurting yourself since the app doesn't feature leaderboards or any major types of social networking.
But these are just some of the issues I came across during my short time with EpicWin. To be fair, it's definitely a unique concept, and the developers have stated that it is a work in progress and many new features will be added via future updates. If you are on the fence, hold out for our in-depth review, which should be available in the near future.
EpicWin is now available in the App Store for $2.99.
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