The Dev-Team's Greenp0ison Jailbreak Is Now Available
October 12, 2010
As we reported this weekend, the Dev-Team's Greenp0ison jailbreak had to be delayed and reengineered following the release of George Hotz's Limera1n. The reason behind this is that Hotz's jailbreak used a different loophole than Greenp0ison. It quickly made more sense to implement what Hotz had found for the Greenp0ison tools as well. First of all, because it's compatible with more devices and secondly, because it allows the Dev-Team to keep its Shatter exploit secret from Apple until a later device.
Two days behind its original schedule, Greenp0ison has been redesigned to use Hotz's discoveries and has now been made available to download.
You can find it over at Greenp0ison.com, but for some reason it again seems like there is only a Windows version available. There actually is a Mac OS download button, but it doesn't seem to be linked to any file just yet. Hopefully this means that the release is just around the corner. Especially now that Hotz is saying on his website that he's in no rush to port his tool to other platforms:
Mac coming in 7 yearsAs you know, the Dev-Team puts a lot of effort into making their jailbreak solutions safe, and they put these through extensive testing on many devices. Therefore, from now on, we strongly recommend you use Greenp0ison over Limera1n. Again, however, you're doing this at your own risk. Also, note that until a Pwnagetool for 4.1 is made, updating your iPhone to 4.1, even jailbroken, might not preserve your ability to unlock (unless you use Tinyumbrella).