FaceTime For Mac Now Available For Download
October 20, 2010
As announced just minutes ago, Apple has managed to release the first beta version of its desktop FaceTime video conferencing client.
FaceTime for Mac finally allows you to place FaceTime video calls between a Mac and all of your FaceTime-capable iDevices (as well as other Macs). All this with the great video quality and ease of use you already know.
You can download it straight from Apple starting now, by just heading over to their new FaceTime page and hitting download.
I've been testing it out for a little while now, and as expected, the quality is unbelievably great. It's very simple to use too, as the interface is clean and it integrates directly with your Address Book. This means that all you need is someone's iPhone 4 number or email address to place the call, and you're good to go.
Go check it out now, and tell us what you think!